Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Venting Apartment Frustration

Yesterday was our last morning with Skye. Although she still wasn't feeling well she was able to hold down a little food and water. She rested until it was time to catch a cab. Around 1:00 we walked with her down the street and hailed a cab to take her to the airport. I felt so sad seeing her drive away. Despite her getting food poisoning we had a very nice visit. She arrived in plenty of time for her flight. She said the fare cost her $70.00 with tip. New York City is far from cheap.
Jim and I walked to the post office and to the grocery store to buy a few things for dinner. I cooked some fancy ravioli for Jim and I had my gluten free pasta. We caught up on emails, journaling, read the paper and watched a little news on TV.

Today Jim had a 10:15 appointment with an interventional radiologist. He will be the doctor performing the needle biopsy on one of Jim's nodes to see what specific cancer (B-cell or T-cell) is involved. This procedure will help diagnosis the new spots using a minimally invasive image-guided technique. We first met with Dr. Fine, the fellow, who explained the procedure and risks involved. Dr. Maybody came in to have Jim sign some papers. The nurse was the last to come in and go over pretesting information. All of them were very nice and professional. The procedure is scheduled for 6:30 tomorrow morning at the Main Hospital. Early but no problem. The sooner the biopsy the sooner the next treatment plan is determined and the sooner Jim gets to transplant.

We walked the 30 minutes back towards the apartment. There was a fine mist in the air and it was gloomy out. We checked the mail at the post office and headed to Leonard's Seafood Market to purchase some Scottish salmon. Jim can't eat or drink after midnight so we decided to have a nice dinner tonight.

Denis, the man I am renting the apartment from texted me to check in on things. That was nice of him but does he really want to know how I feel?  This is what I felt like telling him:
-No Gas so I don't have access to an oven.
-No toaster.
-No mixing bowl or anything bigger than a cereal bowl.
-No oven mitt.
-No can opener, no wine opener, no spatulas, no wooden spoons. Only a soup ladle and forks, spoons and knives.
-No cheese grater or vegetable peeler.
-No measuring cup or measuring spoons.

Now luckily I brought a few essentials up when I packed for New York. I have also bought several things since being here to make preparing meals easier for me. Most people that live in the city must eat out or have their meals delivered.

Denis told me the gas was out to the building when we checked in. He bought a hot pot to boil water, an electric two-burner stove top and he provided us with a microwave. There is one of those long orange extension cords that runs along the back of the kitchen sink connected to the microwave which sits on top of the refrigerator and blocks part of the cabinet.

The other day I bought a toaster oven. Since being in New York I also have bought my own electric skillet and small humidifier for the dry apartment air. The girls gave me a hot pot for tea and I am so glad I brought that up. I use it everyday.

These are my utensils and such that I either brought up from home or have bought since we got to New York.
So I texted Denis back and told him I purchased a toaster oven. More importantly I voiced my concern that the bedroom windows do not lock. The left window opens to the fire escape which runs the length of the building. Anyone can climb up the escape or come from another apartment that opens to the fire escape and lift our bedroom window open and walk in. There not only is a lock, there is no screen. We have been keeping the window open during he day because the apartment gets very hot. The heat is controlled by the building. The window coverings are sheers so I prop our boots against the sheers to possibly deter any critters, pigeons or rats from climbing in. Now that I know the window does not lock makes me frightened, especially if I am here alone after Jim is admitted to the hospital.
Denis said he would come by and bolt the window shut. He also said he would reimburse me for the toaster oven. He really is a nice guy.

Tonight we will have salmon that I'll cook in my electric skillet. I'll roast little organic red potatoes in the toaster oven and make a mixed green salad. The excitement for the night will be going on Target's website and ordering some toiletries, paper towels, toilet paper and possibly some lighter PJ pants or shorts for Jimmy and me. What is our life coming to???


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