Monday morning (February 1st)
Skye must have food poisoning. She was violently ill with all the symptoms of food poisoning but did not have a fever. Poor baby spent the entire day in bed or in the bathroom.We planned on going to the September 11 Memorial and Museum but that didn't happen. Also Skye was going to go to our appointment with Dr. Horwitz so she could meet him and hear what he had to say but she stayed in bed.
We had a 5:00 appointment to see what the PET scan showed. Unfortunately we did not hear what we were hoping. At this time Jim is not ready for transplant. The PET showed some of his spots had reduced in size but it also showed a few new areas that were not there before. Most likely the reduction of tumors are the B-cell cancer and the Rituxan has helped that but the new spots could be the T-cell cancer showing its ugly face again. The only way for the doctors to know what they are dealing with is for Jim to undergo another biopsy. We will meet with an interventional radiologist who will look at the PET scan and decide where to take the biopsy. Afterwards it will take another week of so to get the results. Dr. Horwitz reassured us he has several concoctions of drugs and even a clinical trial that he could try. At this point Jim is tired of waiting. When will the green light be? It's very hard to put life on hold and hover in a state of limbo. We walked back to the apartment and there was a light drizzle in the air. Skye still was not feeling well. Jim called his sisters and parents. We spoke to Sara for a while. It was Skye's last night so we really wanted her to feel better before having to depart for the airport. Crummy ending to a crappy day. The sun better come out tomorrow.
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