It was sunny and beautiful today. We took a long walk around the High Line area. The sky was royal blue which made a nice backdrop for picture taking. At the end of the trail we were down by the Hudson River. We passed a train yard where lots of subway cars were parked. We saw five paddleboarders out on the river.
There was a stretch of high-rises being built and all you could see for blocks were gigantic cranes. We passed a junky area behind a fence were someone had set up housing for feral cats. They turned rectangular igloo coolers into cat houses by placing the coolers upside down and cutting out windows with flaps for the cats to be able to come and go (kind of like a doggie door but for a cat). Jim had walked this way previously when I went home last weekend and he said he saw the biggest cat he has ever seen in his life. We looked for him but saw a different one.
There were a lot of food stands near the High Line trail. Halal trucks which sell meats/sandwiches where the meat is prepared as prescribed by Muslim law are popular in the city. There were nut carts and pretzel carts too.
On our way home we walked to the front side of the church next door. There was a realistic bronze statue of a beggar next to the front steps.
When we returned to the Hope Lodge we ate an early dinner. I was trying to use up the food we had in the refrigerator so the less we have to move out with the better. The rest of the evening was packing and doing laundry. Jimmy started reading the notebook of information he received yesterday from the transplant team.
Tomorrow we move into the apartment near MSK.
Thinking of you as you move today - very anxious to hear the news of the transplant tomorrow. Sending love, prayers and wishes for success and a smooth journey.... Barb H