Thursday, March 3, 2016

Big Test Day

Today Jimmy had his PET scan. We probably won't get the results until Monday and it is hard to wait but we will. As I may have mentioned before I feel good about it. I think the PET will show that the clinical trial is helping to bring his cancer into remission. He may need a couple of more treatments but we are on our way. Positivity is the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude.

We walked together this morning for Jim's 8:00 PET scan. I detoured to the laundromat before we got to the center. I wanted to wash the new jeans we bought Jim yesterday. On our way this morning we passed a McDonald's and I saw the homeless lady from the laundromat the other day. She was inside the McDonald's sitting at a table near the window. I am convinced I am a very observant person. I actually saw her shopping cart outside the store which alerted me that it belonged to a homeless person. As we passed by the window I saw her sitting at a table by the window where she could keep a look out at her belongings. She did have some of her plastic shopping bags lining the window next to her. 

At the laundromat I saw Carol again. What has my life become that I am getting to know the people at the laundromat? I met Carol 2 weeks ago at the laundromat. She actually recognized me as the one from Virginia. We chatted for a bit. After the laundromat I was walking back to the apartment and I passed the McDonald's again. An hour and a half later the homeless lady was still sitting by the window at McDonald's keeping a close eye on her possessions in the shopping cart outside. 

This afternoon back at the apartment we had to wait for the city inspector to come by and check out the gas line work. We have not had gas to the building since we arrived and I think they are finally trying to fix it. Jim and I were sitting on the couch, both on our computers, when a man walked into the apartment and didn't even knock. He said he was a plumber and brother of the superintendent for the building. Later he came back with a couple of other big New Yorkers. It was like something out of the Soprano's, busting in without ringing or knocking just to look at the gas line. I'm glad Jim was with me. 

Tomorrow is another long day for Jimmy. He goes back to the clinic early in the morning to start another round of chemo. The sunshine in our day is Sara is coming to visit. She will take a bus up from Lorton to Penn Station and will arrive early afternoon. I can't wait to see her.

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