Thursday, April 7, 2016

Meeting of the Minds

Waiting - the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens.  I would say Jim and I are good at waiting. With waiting you have to have patience or else you can explode with frustration.

So today we waited. Luckily Jimmy had two reclining chairs in his room so we sat like Ma and Pa in their old rockers instead we were equipped with our laptops and a bedside table to place our lattes on. I never saw Jim in the bed today. When I arrived to his room this morning he was on the phone, fully dressed, ordering breakfast. We are so spoiled with our lifestyle of eating. Most of you who know me know I do the organic, farmers market thing. I cook and bake from scratch. Heck there was a time when I would grind my own grain to bake my own bread. Those were my pre-gluten free days. For breakfast Jimmy had cereal and according to him even the milk tasted funny. Getting him to eat the next month while hospitalized will be challenging.

Sitting here in the room different people come in to make the bed or see if we want a newspaper or to deliver a tray of food. They look at us and wonder which one is the cancer patient. Then when they find out it's Jim they wonder why he is here. He looks strong and healthy. If only they knew the whole story.

Around 12:30 the medical attending for the lymphoma team came in to talk to us. After putting all their heads together they finally came up with a plan. I hesitate to even mention it in case it changes but here I go. Tomorrow Jimmy will meet with Dr. Sauter (the transplant doctor) and at 4:00 he will have his central line placed in his chest. After the procedure he will be admitted to the transplant floor.
The doctors vacillated back and forth whether to send Jim to surgery to remove the mass under his arm or to continue the antibiotics to fight the infection and continue with the transplant. They chose the latter.

Jim was discharged around 4:00 and we came back to the apartment. We have the next 24 hours to chill and he can get a good nights sleep in our temporary bed. He can have a couple of beers and food that he enjoys. I saved this comic strip because this sums us up sometimes and it makes me laugh.

So let's hope we don't have any hiccups tomorrow. I trust that things will go smoothly and Jim will be admitted. Stay tuned.

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