Thursday, April 14, 2016

Cells Are In, Let The Healing Begin.

We have waited a long time to get here. What is incredibly amazing is if it weren't for a very selfless 29 year old man, who chose to go through the donation process, Jim would have no chance at beating this cancer. Now it is a reality. Earlier this morning Dr. Giralt came in with the NP and the fellow to check on Jimmy. They always listen to his lungs, ask questions and check the area on his arm that was infected. They said the scheduled time for transplant was set for 11:00. Jimmy had breakfast, got dressed and sat up in the chair. We were going to try to do some laps but his morning blood work showed his counts had dropped to the point where he would not be allowed to leave the room.

At 10:30 his nurse came in to give him two IV antihistamine drugs so he got into bed. At 11:00 the team came back in. A representative from the stem cell lab brought the cells up. They were frozen and he defrosted them in a warm bath outside the room and put them into 2 large syringes. Dr. Giralt's fellow was given the honor of being the one to push the cells. Jim's nurse was right by his side assisting the fellow. Dr. Giralt stood at the foot of the bed next to me and the nurse practitioner was also with us. Right before the fellow started, Dr. Giralt said "May Godspeed be with you" and he mumbled a little prayer under his breath.

The entire process only took about 20-30 minutes. Dr. Giralt told stories most of the time. He referenced something about visualizing the little cells doing their work. They will find their way to Jim's bone marrow in time. 

The IV medicine made Jim sleepy. So after everyone was gone I too left the room so he could rest. The nurse still has to monitor his vitals every 20 minutes but hopefully he can doze in-between. I went back to the apartment, emailed the family, did some laundry and ate lunch in front of the TV. On my way back to the hospital I passed two homeless men both sleeping within half a block from the apartment building. Then I passed a man dressed as a clown walking in circles at the corner in front of MSK. People had to dodge him because he kept changing his position. I see the strangest things walking back and forth. Yesterday on my way back to the hospital I felt like I was tripping on LSD (not that I have ever tried it). I passed so many peculiar looking people. I pass them on the crowded streets as I walk. I wish I could document some of them in pictures.

Jim pretty much rested the remainder of the day. He sat up in the chair and we watched the very last episode of Breaking Bad. I told him he will have to decide on the next series we watch. For a guy who doesn't spend much time in front of a television with the exception of sports, Jim will be occupied with it for the next few months. After the Nightly News I headed back to the apartment. I hate leaving him but we both know I have to have my down time and good sleep if I am going to stay strong during this journey. Besides...he has the A-team watching his back. We are convinced someone hand picked the best nurses for each shift to be assigned to Jim. Jeff, the horseshoe is working well.


  1. Happy Birthday to Jim! Keep fighting. Faith, Hope, and Love.

  2. Happy Birthday Boss! Give this cancer hell!

  3. Such a momentous day for all. I love the way you describe things Beth - I felt like I was there. What a wonderful man Alfred is! Angels all around us.


  4. I'm so emotional reading through this and was yesterday, too. Happy new birthday to my Uncle J. I told him 2 birthdays a year mean peanut butter cake two times per year, to which he said he was already dreaming about peanut butter cake. What an emotional day and thank you Aunt Beth for blogging about it and sharing it with us all. 4/14/16 - I've always found good luck with even numbers!
