He remained afebrile all day, that's medical for not feverish. We stayed the day in the apartment, good thing because the winds were gusting 50-60 miles an hour. Crazy weather. The sky was blue and sunny though. Later in the afternoon we checked out the washer and dryer facilities in the basement. I pushed my granny cart to the service elevator and we went down to do laundry. Jimmy initially went with me to check it out. After the creepy basement in the last Airbnb I wanted him to accompany me to make sure it was safe to hang out in. It was fine.
Basically in the afternoon we finished unpacking and going through paperwork. I paid bills and tried to organize the medical bills that are coming in. Thank God we have good medical insurance, a very important silver lining to acknowledge.
I made homemade pizzas for dinner and we watched a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad on my computer. The realtor company is supposed to swap out our two TVs this week so we will be able to connect our Apple TV to the computer and will get Netflix on the TV. In the meantime my computer will do. Check out our attractive stand we put the computer on to watch TV.
Tomorrow we follow up with the doctors about Jim's underarm infection. It still hurts a lot and hasn't gotten any smaller. They may decide to incise it but would rather not have him left with a fresh wound before transplant. I'll know more tomorrow.
Last few pictures are of the DC eaglets. They bring smiles to my face. They survived the strong windstorm in DC last night.
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