Wednesday, June 1, 2016

We Kept It Boring

Not much going on today. We ventured outside to CVS this morning to buy waters. I had been getting 1.5 liter bottles next door at Jack's but they have been out the last couple of days. We packed the granny cart and walked through Koreatown to get to CVS. Koreatown is a short 2 block area but it is booming with Korean run businesses. Once at CVS we bought  a case of small water bottles and lots of 1.5 liter Smartwaters. It's easier for Jim to keep track of how much he is drinking if he has the 1.5 liter bottles. They would like him to have at least 3 liters a day.

After lunch we reluctantly walked across the street to the mall and did 8 laps around the top floor which was a mile. Mall walking is boring but this floor is not crowded and Jimmy needed to take it easy because of the virus he has. At least we got the old lungs moving a little. The rest of the afternoon we sat out on the patio. It was a nice temperature and lots of residents were out. The volunteer ladies offered tea time. They provide tea and a selection of sweets and sandwiches for whoever is interested. A volunteer played the piano and Larry (of the Val and Larry couple next door to us) was teaching origami. I just like to sit looking upwards towards the Gimbel bridge and the Empire State Building. It's a wonderful view.


  1. That's a great picture. Somehow, Val and origami just don't seem to go together! That one really surprised me. Even though you have the crowds, your temps are much more pleasant than ours. It's nice to be able to appreciate the little things. I saw a church saying the other day: when it's over your head, remember it's under God's feet. D

  2. Deb,
    Thanks for comments. It's so nice to hear feedback. Love the God saying. I'll need to get a picture of Larry and Val.
