Thursday, June 9, 2016


We almost lost Jim today and it wouldn't have been cancers fault. It was a beautiful day, sunny but very windy. Jim was wearing his baseball cap. On the way home from Central Park his cap flew off his head and started rolling down the middle of the street. It was 6:00, prime traffic time. Actually it is always prime traffic time. We were near Times Square so it was particularly crowded. Well Jim decided to dart into the street and retrieve his cap. Cars, mostly cabs, were zooming and honking around him. He had his arm out as if he were a traffic control officer and just as he approached the middle of the street to bend down and pick up his cap a yellow cab ran it over. After yelling a few expletives Jim made it back to the sidewalk with a bruised but intact cap. He spent the next block or two looking for that cab driver...Jeez.

Central Park is never boring. We always find a part of the Park we have not seen before. It was even more crowded today than last Saturday when we went. After walking for about an hour we stopped and had lunch on a secluded bench with the squirrels and birds. There was a suspicious man that walked by us twice and he kept looking back at us. Jim thought he might want to rob us so we decided to pack up. Later we saw him sitting on a bench with three homeless looking men. There were lots of people out on the water in rowboats. It was such a beautiful day.

We were drawn to one area near the water because we heard music. There were two musicians playing nice jazz music and a family of geese were taking naps very close to the water. They did not seem bothered by all the people walking past them taking pictures, neither did the red-eared slider basking in the sun.

By the time we left the park it was close to 6:00. We decided it would be faster to walk the half hour home instead of taking a cab. We walked six miles in all today. I'm really glad Jim didn't get run over while chasing his cap.


  1. I really loved talking to Jim last night.... 1 hr, 16 min and 8 seconds. I laughed so hard I worked up a glow. It was like old times. I loved hearing his laugh. Mr. and Mrs. Boss are "always on my mind"! Sending hugs and kisses.....I can do that now, I'm no longer an employee so it's not inappropriate behavior.

    1. <3 this! Betsy, you have always been so funny and loving and brought so much humor to all of our lives. I'm so glad you and Uncle J were able to talk!

  2. Thank goodness for Central Park! But I think you need to put a leash on Jimmy when he's around traffic! I can't get the image of him darting in and out of harms way out of my mind- all for a hat! I'm so glad you checked on Shirley. Your kindness I know meant something to her. We don't always see the results of our kindness but I know it made a difference. Enjoy your weekend with the girls! D.
