Thursday, June 30, 2016

Lazy Day and Baseball

I didn't blog yesterday. We are keeping it boring. I thought I'd better say something today because I wouldn't want people to think something is wrong. We stayed in most of the day reading and surfing the internet. When we have too much time on our hands it can be dangerous from a purchasing perspective. Amazon makes it too easy and within two days you have boxes showing up at the door. Yes they even deliver to the Hope Lodge.

In the early afternoon I walked over to Penn Station to meet Laura's mom, Marsha, who was arriving on a train from Long Island. Marsha was attending her granddaughter's synchro swim meet. They made it to Nationals. She was taking the train into Penn Station and then boarding the VaMoose bus back to Virginia. I met her at the station and she visited with us for a half and hour before we walked over to where she would catch the bus. Jim came down and visited with us on the 6th floor. It's always nice to see people from back home.

Tonight we got a text from our good friends Myles, Jeff and Jimmy. They were at the Washington Nationals baseball game. They had a special sign on one of the seats for Jim. They even bought him a beer when they were sitting at the bar. Jimmy and I had some good laughs looking at the pictures and texting back and forth with the guys. Sara was also at the game with some girlfriends from work. The Nats won by a long shot.

1 comment:

  1. This made our night when we saw it on facebook. What a wonderful fun idea. Jimmy will have his butt in that seat next year!
