Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 70!

Bill and Sue are new to the floor. We first met them last week. Bill is outgoing and friendly. First impression of Sue is either she wasn't feeling very well or she is private and prefers not to mingle with others. The fact is Sue did not feel well at all last week after several rounds of radiation. Today she was loquacious and couldn't stop talking. They are from Connecticut and we actually have a lot in common. This goes to show that first impressions are not always accurate.

Today was a stay at the Lodge and organize kind of day. We spent time outside on the patio. Jimmy had an hour long reflexology session we had previously signed up for. The woman was great and she gave Jim several suggestions that will be helpful for healing.

For an early dinner we walked to Pizza Suprema to get a whole pizza for Jim. I had plans to go out with Lloyd for appetizers and drinks. As it ended up she and her husband got back from the hospital late so we ate dinner at the Lodge and then walked to a restaurant down the road and had drinks and talked. We never run out of things to talk about. Tonight she wanted me to tell her all about my girls. That wasn't hard to do. I love talking about my girls.


  1. I love you, and them! And I can't wait to see them this coming weekend. They are in good hands while you all are away <3

  2. Thanks Ashley. I hope you all have a great time at the beach. We will miss being with everyone. HUGS!
