Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I Spy a Buzzing Mosquito

Last night it was late and we were almost asleep. The lights were out and the blackout curtains were drawn so we could barely see the bright world that never sleeps outside our window. All of a sudden Jim swats at something in the dark. A MOSQUITO. The lights go back on and for the next ten minutes Jim cruised the room looking for the little booger. A couple of mornings ago I was getting ready to go somewhere and Jim was still in bed. I leaned over to say something to him when I saw a mosquito taking up residence on his temple. My knee jerk reaction was to swat him which I did as carefully as I could. I got the mosquito along with a good amount of blood. Last night Jim never saw the mosquito but we did execute him in the bathroom this morning. How they found their way through the screenless windows to the 11th floor of the building is interesting. I thought with Jim's new blood cells that maybe mosquitoes would be less attracted to him. Guess I was wrong.

We met with Dr. Sauter today and he thinks in another six weeks or so he will clear Jim to go home. We have been talking in months so now we can use weeks. There is still a very real chance of graft-versus-host-disease (even after we get home) so Dr. Sauter is being extra cautious. Jim still has a few blood levels out of whack but we were reassured by Dr. Sauter that this is all normal. He told us he is pleased with Jim's progress.

Our big highlight of the day was pushing the granny cart through the crowded streets near rush hour to get to Trader Joe's and back. Before we left we said good bye to a couple we have been friends with over the past few weeks. Ralph and Terry returned to their home today. It's always nice to see the different people leave the Hope Lodge. As for Shirley...I rarely see her and she has very little food in her pantry. I've checked on her recently and hope she is still doing ok. Tomorrow is a free day. We will definitely do something fun.


  1. Wow/ the word " weeks" has never sounded sweeter! D.

  2. Glad to hear that the doc can talk about weeks, now.

    Love your posts.
