There was a lot of noise on the floor this morning. Our room is next to the elevators so we hear a double ding sound every time the doors open to floor eleven. The doors to the residential rooms are heavy and make a loud banging sound when they close. Many people must have had early appointments this morning because I could hear their doors slamming shut and the elevator opening and closing. We got up early ourselves and took a walk to the High Line. We were surprised how few people were out walking with the exception of some tourist and the faux monks trying to scam people for money. Maybe because it looked like rain people didn't venture out. Jim was able to walk without his mask which was refreshing.
On the way back to the Lodge we stopped at Cafe Grumpy so I could get a cold brewed coffee and some ground beans for Jim. We met ten year old Oscar on the way. He had one blue eye and one brown eye and could still jump up on the bench. After returning to the Lodge we had to hurry up and have lunch. Being Thursday the housekeepers cleans the kitchen from 12:30-3:00. They also spend time enjoying their break during that time so residents are not allowed in the kitchen.
Jim and I both signed up for Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions. This is the ancient Japanese healing art of unlocking blocked energy paths in the body. I went for the first hour then Jim went after me. They were private sessions and the practitioner was very good. This was the second time I have had Jin Shin Jyutsu since being at the Hope Lodge and it was Jim's first. He came back to the room feeling very relaxed.
Tonight was the Hope Lodge's biggest event of the year, Relay For Life. The Relay raised funds specifically for the Lodge and a big party was thrown to honor survivors as well as remembering those who lost their battle to cancer. Many survivors returned to the Hope Lodge from all over for the event. There was a DJ playing music, dancing, food, a photo booth and Polo, the French bulldog mascot. As people signed up they were encouraged to decorate a paper bag in honor of or in remembrance of a loved one. The bags lined the 6th floor and served as luminaries when it was dark enough out. They looked beautiful illuminating a pathway as everyone took laps around the floor. I worked on my bag last night. I was so proud of it and I showed it to Jimmy. He pointed out that I misspelled STRENGTH. Too late so I tried to squeeze a little R into my word strength. Jimmy didn't feel like attending the event so I went anyway. It's a lot of hoopla and that's just not his thing.
My gal Lloyd was there so her husband, Steve, took a picture of us. And you know how I talk about Larry and Val, neighbors on our floor. Larry was dancing up a storm. I was able to get a few pics of them. They really are a cute couple, just leave us some space in the refrigerator Larry.