Thursday, June 30, 2016

Lazy Day and Baseball

I didn't blog yesterday. We are keeping it boring. I thought I'd better say something today because I wouldn't want people to think something is wrong. We stayed in most of the day reading and surfing the internet. When we have too much time on our hands it can be dangerous from a purchasing perspective. Amazon makes it too easy and within two days you have boxes showing up at the door. Yes they even deliver to the Hope Lodge.

In the early afternoon I walked over to Penn Station to meet Laura's mom, Marsha, who was arriving on a train from Long Island. Marsha was attending her granddaughter's synchro swim meet. They made it to Nationals. She was taking the train into Penn Station and then boarding the VaMoose bus back to Virginia. I met her at the station and she visited with us for a half and hour before we walked over to where she would catch the bus. Jim came down and visited with us on the 6th floor. It's always nice to see people from back home.

Tonight we got a text from our good friends Myles, Jeff and Jimmy. They were at the Washington Nationals baseball game. They had a special sign on one of the seats for Jim. They even bought him a beer when they were sitting at the bar. Jimmy and I had some good laughs looking at the pictures and texting back and forth with the guys. Sara was also at the game with some girlfriends from work. The Nats won by a long shot.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Effin Tired

Jim and I must officially be old geezers. We walk around the city and complain how things were different when we were young. Everyone walks with their head down looking at their cellphones, not watching where they are going. There are cigarette butts inside the cracks of the sidewalk for blocks as we walk. The person might think as he flicks his smoke to the ground that it is not litter but when you multiply that one cigarette times hundreds of people walking around the city doing the same thing then you have a lot of waste. But I think the number one thing that is bothering us the most is the use of profanity everywhere we go. It doesn't matter if it is the construction workers behind us or the beautifully dressed young woman walking with her friends. Too many people use the F-word today without even thinking. It has become commonplace. Yesterday when we were in Central Park taking a break on a park bench there was a man near us on the phone. He was excited and talked very fast. Every other sentence he used the F-word. It did not phase him that people, including small children, were walking by. Sadly the F-word has become part of today's vocabulary.

This morning we took the 6:30 shuttle to the hospital for Jim's blood work and later met with Dr. Sauter. Although some of Jim's blood levels are still low Dr. Sauter did not seem concerned. He is so confident and calm which makes us feel better knowing he is in control. Jim was given a special injection today to boost his white blood cell counts. We still have to watch his foods high in potassium because that lab value wants to keep creeping up. Despite everything Dr. Sauter is pleased. There is an oncologist at Georgetown Hospital he would like Jim to follow up with after we get back to Virginia. The plan would be to alternate our visits between Georgetown and Memorial Sloan Kettering.

This afternoon we walked over to the Hudson River where the ferry boats come in from New Jersey. We walked 4.0 more miles today. Walking is the best exercise for Jimmy. It not only strengthens his legs but it expands his lungs, which is important. On the way back to the Lodge we passed more street people. I know I keep talking about the homeless but today we saw an abundant number.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Wide Open Spaces...Yea!

Today we took a cab to Central Park to get some exercise. It took much longer than usual because of gridlock and it cost us $23.00. It was worth it though. We entered the Park in the Upper West Side near 87th Street. Our goal was to walk around the reservoir, officially named the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir in 1994. We walked the 1.58 mile track that surrounds the 106-acre body of water. Bill Clinton, Madonna, and Jackie O have all run on the track. Jimmy even joked that we would probably see Madonna today but we didn't. Sometimes the city is so crowded with people that I probably wouldn't recognize a celebrity if she were to pass by me. Today was another nice day and we had a pleasant breeze cooling us as we walked. Jimmy now walks faster than me. Both my knees have been bothering me so today I looked ridiculous in double knee braces, one white and one black. I had a skirt on to boot. All in all we walked 5.8 miles. Not bad for a cripple and a masked man.

When we returned home I made Mexican omelettes on corn tortillas for an early dinner. They were really good. We are running low on groceries so it looks like we will be using the granny cart tomorrow. It will be an early morning. We have to catch the 6:30 shuttle.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday Pride Day

This morning after breakfast Jim and I snatched a couple of comfy chairs on the patio before it became crowded. We were going to walk Central Park but the air quality index was poor so we changed our minds. After securing our spots I walked over to Starbucks to buy a cold brewed coffee and get a Sunday paper. Little did I know that papers in the city are mostly sold at stand-alone newsstands. I walked a block or two looking for one and after asking a traffic cop I was pointed in the right direction. Back in the 1950's there were over 1,500 independent newsstands in the city. Today that number has plummeted to 300. Newsstands that used to sell over 1,000 papers a day barely sell 100. They stay in business by selling lottery tickets. When I finally reached the stand on Broadway I waited patiently for the man in front of me to finish his transaction. He must have spent 3 or 4 minutes rattling off all the numbers he wanted to play the lottery.

On my way back to the Lodge I passed swarms of people on their way to New York City's annual gay pride fest. There were rainbow colors everywhere. I cannot take credit for the picture. The march began only a half mile from the Hope Lodge and ended in Greenwich Village. I wanted to go but with over a million attendees that would not be the best place for Jim to be. As I write this at 7:30 at night traffic is still gridlocked on the street below. There is a lot of honking going on.

We have been munching throughout the day instead of having 3 solid meals. Because of Jim having to be on a low microbial diet we eat different things a lot. Tonight Jim had some of his NYC pizza I had frozen for a future meal. I had a lettuce less salad. We had smoothies for dinner. Eating is another thing that is different since we have been up here. We eat when we want and not on a schedule. I guess that's how retired people do it.

The first two pictures are the Rainbow themed Empire State Building that we can see from our bedroom window. The last picture is an aerial view from an article I read on the internet.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Forty Years

In the summer of 1976 I was an average looking girl with long straight brown hair. I wore little or no makeup and my skin was pale and freckly. I used to notice Jimmy Riddle coming out of the classroom next to mine at Woodson High School. I recall many times walking behind him as we maneuvered through the crowded hallway. He was tall and thin with long wavy hair and he wore converse tennis shoes. I used to go to the neighborhood park with friends and many times I would see him engrossed in a basketball game. He seemed confident and a little cocky at times. Over the summer my friend, Michel, who lived behind me introduced me to Jimmy at the pool. We would flirt and talk. Then on June 25th of that summer Jimmy kissed me at a party at Bill Pickford's house. That is the day we started dating. That was forty years ago. Where does the time fly. The two of us have survived several break ups, graduated from college, went on to marry, had two daughters, one cat and three dogs. We have had our share of challenges along the way but I am glad I face these challenges with such a great man. I am glad he never gave up on me all those years ago. He is a fighter.

Friday, June 24, 2016


Dumbo is an acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. It is a neighborhood in Brooklyn. The area was originally a ferry landing, marked with 19th and early 20th century industrial and warehouse buildings and the wonderful Belgian block streets. Belgian block refers to the rectangular quarried stone used for paving. It reminded Jim of the streets in Scotland. Tonight when I was researching Belgium block I read that most of Edinburgh, Scotland was paved with Belgium block. Good memory Jimmy.

DUMBO is located on the East River and is accessible from Manhattan by many types of ferry boats and water taxis. After Jim's appointment at the hospital today we walked past the United Nations down to the East River pier where we boarded a ferry to take us to DUMBO. On the ride we got a better view of the Manhattan skyline including the financial district and the One World Trade Center. It was a beautiful day and not too humid. We walked around DUMBO taking lots of breaks in the shade. There were lots of restaurants, quaint bars and small boutiques. Unfortunately Jim is not allowed to eat out or drink alcohol so we didn't bother going into any of the buildings. 

It was a nice day trip and good to visit one of the city's other boroughs. When we got back to the lodge I lay down and fell asleep for an hour and a half. Then Jim fell asleep. All that exercise and sun wore us out. It was a good day!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 70!

Bill and Sue are new to the floor. We first met them last week. Bill is outgoing and friendly. First impression of Sue is either she wasn't feeling very well or she is private and prefers not to mingle with others. The fact is Sue did not feel well at all last week after several rounds of radiation. Today she was loquacious and couldn't stop talking. They are from Connecticut and we actually have a lot in common. This goes to show that first impressions are not always accurate.

Today was a stay at the Lodge and organize kind of day. We spent time outside on the patio. Jimmy had an hour long reflexology session we had previously signed up for. The woman was great and she gave Jim several suggestions that will be helpful for healing.

For an early dinner we walked to Pizza Suprema to get a whole pizza for Jim. I had plans to go out with Lloyd for appetizers and drinks. As it ended up she and her husband got back from the hospital late so we ate dinner at the Lodge and then walked to a restaurant down the road and had drinks and talked. We never run out of things to talk about. Tonight she wanted me to tell her all about my girls. That wasn't hard to do. I love talking about my girls.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Thought is Was Thursday but it's Only Wednesday

Our floor has almost reached capacity. There is only one room available out of twelve. The kitchen can get rather crowded at times. We have to plan our mealtime just right to ensure we get space on the stove and of course our coveted table in the corner. Jim and I have become creatures of habit. There are three tables in the kitchen and a center island with a few barstools. We like the far left table with the bench. Most of the time when we go to the kitchen the table is free. Lately though with the influx of more people it hasn't always been vacant. I kind of almost feel territorial that someone is sitting in my seat. Silly I know.

Our outside venture was to Trader Joe's and we brought the granny cart along. It seems trivial that I mention these insignificant details of our day to day goings-on but in the future when I look back and read this I will remember us walking through the maze of people dodging those looking down at their phones and the homeless lining the streets with their stretched out arms holding plastic cups. Jim pushes the granny cart which is heavily packed with a case of water and two large bags of groceries. He concentrates through the streets as if he were behind the controls of an intense pinball game. Don't get in his way. And if you are not paying attention because you are on your cell phone, be prepared to be bumped.

In the afternoon we sat on the outside patio. Usually there are so many people out that it is hard to get a chair. Today we snagged two and sat with our computers doing busy work like paying bills and calling the DMV. Within minutes 2 woman sat across from us. They are new on our floor so I struck up a conversation. I should have known not to bother bring my computer because it's always social hour on the patio. Poor Jim didn't last long before he returned to the room. He can only take so much female yakety-yak. I had a great time talking and while I was down there one lady was teaching me how to knit. I have never picked up knitting needles in my life so we will see were this goes.

Remember the 1990's series Twin Peaks? We found it on Netflix last night and watched the Pilot. Guess we found us a new (or should I saw old) show to watch that is if I stop blogging.

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Gift of Water

The vagrant beggar sat crouched on the filthy sidewalk leaning against the exterior of the dollar store called Jack's. He was of Indian descent, maybe in his 60's although being homeless and dirty can disguise the chronological age of a person. He was one of many street people I passed today on my four block walk to CVS. They sit at every corner with their cardboard signs and plastic cups containing a few pennies. Many have their heads down as if they are sleeping or maybe they are high on something. Some lie prostrate with their heads against the nasty ground. Some advertise they are ex-vets or they are pregnant or stuck in New York without a job. Jim and I have been in the city long enough that I recognize many of the street people and I know which corner they hang out at. The smarter ones will perch in front of Starbucks and watch the fortunate ones go in and out for their $5.00 cup of coffee. Some prefer the safety of taking up residence in front of the Catholic Church. After all, there are decent Christians going in and out of the church passing these down-and-out people. Surely they will put a dollar or coin in their cup. I guess it got to me today. It doesn't seem right for me to not give eye contact and it would be so easy for me to keep change in my pocket and drop a coin or two into their cup as I pass. I'm not sure what the solution is. I can't fix or change anything. Sometimes it can be dangerous to give eye contact. Many of the homeless are mentally ill. Many are paranoid. Many talk to themselves and yell out loud as they walk down the street. It can be frightening. So this is my dilemma.

I made it through the hustle and bustle of Koreatown arriving at CVS. I picked up one of Jimmy's medications that he has been fighting the insurance company for the past two days to fill. I walked back stopping into Jack's to buy eight 1 1/2 liter bottles of water. Jim tries to drink two a day to stay hydrated. As I exited Jack's the older Indian man was still crouched against the sidewalk sitting on a milk crate with his plastic cup in hand. I gave him one of the water bottles. I wish I could have captured his look on film. A look of "someone noticed me". It made me feel good too. As I was getting ready to turn into the Hope Lodge I could see three more street people out front of the Catholic Church and I thought about going there but maybe I should think this through and I went inside the Lodge.

Jim was tired today. Today was a day of rest for him. We have been on the go and trying to walk everyday so he listened to his body and rested. I spent many hours in the quiet room on the floor reading and researching on my computer. The days still seem to rush by even when I don't have anything to do. I think when I get back to Virginia there will be an adjustment period where I will have to get used to normalcy again.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

It's Sunday and it is Father's Day. We celebrated the day early last weekend when Sara and Skye were  visiting. The girls have been blessed to have Jim as their father. He is a good dad and is very close to his daughters. Even though it was Father's Day the hospital was still open. Jim had to go in for blood work. It took FOUR sticks before they were able to get a good blood return. There is nothing he can do to make his veins more visible. He drinks a lot of water but that still does not help. After his pincushion session was over we began to walk back to the Hope Lodge. We took our time and went a different route. We passed the United Nations and I was disappointed the flags were not flying. There are 193 flags in all and when I asked a security guard why they were not flying he told me they take them down on the weekends. What a strange reply and why would they go to the trouble to do that? I learned that Monday through Friday unless the weather is poor 8 to 11 security officers raise the flags around 8 a.m. and lower them at 4 p.m., storing them in the boxes at the foot of each flag pole. Only the UN flag is raised on the weekends.

On our walk we passed a European cheese shop with very large wheels of cheese in the window. The store was closed on Sundays but I took a picture to remember where it was. As we walked further we came upon a cat in the middle of the sidewalk. It was next to 1st Avenue which is a very busy street. Dogs were walking past the cat although I saw several owners pick up there dog for this cat would not be intimidated. I think it belonged to a nail salon because the door to the salon was open and the cat did not look feral.

I'm glad we are starting to walk back from the hospital when the weather is nice. It's a 3 mile walk and it feels so good to get out and exercise. We both need a little more activity and a lot less sitting around.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Day 65 and Going Strong

Jim has been wanting some real buckwheat pancakes so this morning I went to the kitchen and whipped up a batch. We're talking wholesome heavy buckwheat, the stick to your ribs goodness. Actually it's a combination of buckwheat flour and brown rice flour. There is no egg or oil in the recipe and the only sweetener is a little bit of maple syrup. To my surprise they turned out really good. Jim can't have fresh berries because of his special transplant restrictions but I heated some organic strawberries on the stove with a little sugar until they turned into a yummy compote. We topped the pancakes with the strawberries. Accompanied by some strong French press coffee breakfast was good. I'll be doing this recipe again.

Today our excursion was walking back to the High Line. Saturdays are packed so we didn't stay on the trail very long. Our goal was to find the Chelsea Farmers Market. Most of the produce vendors were from upstate New York or New Jersey. I bought some gluten free everything bagels that came from Woodstock, New York. We also bought swiss chard, asparagus, eggs and pork breakfast sausages for Jim. I miss my farmers markets in Virginia so I was glad to support this one. On the way back to the Hope Lodge Sara and Skye called and we facetimed with them as we walked. We fit right in with the New Yorkers. Jim and I see young people walking down the street with their phones in front of their faces as they talk and see the person on the other end. Today we fit right in.

Tonight we are watching a funny series on Netflix. It's called Grace and Frankie, starring Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. So far it is hilarious. We could use a few laughs. Nightie night.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Social Night at the Hope Lodge...Woo Hoo!

We went separate ways today. Jim had to go to the hospital for labs and to meet with Shani. I didn't expect anything new to come up so I stayed behind and walked to Whole Foods instead. When his appointment was over Jim walked backed to the Hope Lodge. It is almost three miles and the weather was nice. Sometimes it is quicker to walk back than to wait around for the next shuttle. We hung out in the kitchen and had something to eat. I started to make brownies forgetting Jim had another appointment in the early afternoon. I had planned on going with him that time but had to forgo it since I had the brownies in the oven. Once again Jim decided to walk back from the appointment. He called me when he left and I walked half way to meet him. We have found a different route back that doesn't involve going through the middle of Times Square. It is a little out of the way but less crowded.

Tonight Lloyd arranged a dinner and invited the caregivers along with their spouses. One woman was there with her mom as the caregiver. There were 12 of us in all. Everyone contributed food and we reserved the kitchen on the 6th floor to entertain in. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately Lloyd's husband, Steve, has been having a rough go of things and he was in clinic and didn't get back until 8:45. We had to be out of the kitchen by 9:00. Hopefully we will do it again.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Busy Day

There was a lot of noise on the floor this morning. Our room is next to the elevators so we hear a double ding sound every time the doors open to floor eleven. The doors to the residential rooms are heavy and make a loud banging sound when they close. Many people must have had early appointments this morning because I could hear their doors slamming shut and the elevator opening and closing. We got up early ourselves and took a walk to the High Line. We were surprised how few people were out walking with the exception of some tourist and the faux monks trying to scam people for money. Maybe because it looked like rain people didn't venture out. Jim was able to walk without his mask which was refreshing.

On the way back to the Lodge we stopped at Cafe Grumpy so I could get a cold brewed coffee and some ground beans for Jim. We met ten year old Oscar on the way. He had one blue eye and one brown eye and could still jump up on the bench. After returning to the Lodge we had to hurry up and have lunch. Being Thursday the housekeepers cleans the kitchen from 12:30-3:00. They also spend time enjoying their break during that time so residents are not allowed in the kitchen.

Jim and I both signed up for Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions. This is the ancient Japanese healing art of unlocking blocked energy paths in the body. I went for the first hour then Jim went after me. They were private sessions and the practitioner was very good. This was the second time I have had Jin Shin Jyutsu since being at the Hope Lodge and it was Jim's first. He came back to the room feeling very relaxed.

Tonight was the Hope Lodge's biggest event of the year, Relay For Life. The Relay raised funds specifically for the Lodge and a big party was thrown to honor survivors as well as remembering those who lost their battle to cancer. Many survivors returned to the Hope Lodge from all over for the event. There was a DJ playing music, dancing,  food, a photo booth and Polo, the French bulldog mascot. As people signed up they were encouraged to decorate a paper bag in honor of or in remembrance of a loved one. The bags lined the 6th floor and served as luminaries when it was dark enough out. They looked beautiful illuminating a pathway as everyone took laps around the floor. I worked on my bag last night. I was so proud of it and I showed it to Jimmy. He pointed out that I misspelled STRENGTH. Too late so I tried to squeeze a little R into my word strength. Jimmy didn't feel like attending the event so I went anyway. It's a lot of hoopla and that's just not his thing.

My gal Lloyd was there so her husband, Steve, took a picture of us. And you know how I talk about Larry and Val, neighbors on our floor. Larry was dancing up a storm. I was able to get a few pics of them. They really are a cute couple, just leave us some space in the refrigerator Larry.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I Spy a Buzzing Mosquito

Last night it was late and we were almost asleep. The lights were out and the blackout curtains were drawn so we could barely see the bright world that never sleeps outside our window. All of a sudden Jim swats at something in the dark. A MOSQUITO. The lights go back on and for the next ten minutes Jim cruised the room looking for the little booger. A couple of mornings ago I was getting ready to go somewhere and Jim was still in bed. I leaned over to say something to him when I saw a mosquito taking up residence on his temple. My knee jerk reaction was to swat him which I did as carefully as I could. I got the mosquito along with a good amount of blood. Last night Jim never saw the mosquito but we did execute him in the bathroom this morning. How they found their way through the screenless windows to the 11th floor of the building is interesting. I thought with Jim's new blood cells that maybe mosquitoes would be less attracted to him. Guess I was wrong.

We met with Dr. Sauter today and he thinks in another six weeks or so he will clear Jim to go home. We have been talking in months so now we can use weeks. There is still a very real chance of graft-versus-host-disease (even after we get home) so Dr. Sauter is being extra cautious. Jim still has a few blood levels out of whack but we were reassured by Dr. Sauter that this is all normal. He told us he is pleased with Jim's progress.

Our big highlight of the day was pushing the granny cart through the crowded streets near rush hour to get to Trader Joe's and back. Before we left we said good bye to a couple we have been friends with over the past few weeks. Ralph and Terry returned to their home today. It's always nice to see the different people leave the Hope Lodge. As for Shirley...I rarely see her and she has very little food in her pantry. I've checked on her recently and hope she is still doing ok. Tomorrow is a free day. We will definitely do something fun.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

Today I treated myself to another NYC haircut. I am still in sticker shock over the cost of a cut and blowout. I took the M4 bus to the Upper East Side and walked an additional 15 minutes to the appointment. Today was really nice, mid 70's and breezy with blue skies and sunshine. Jim decided to stay at the Hope Lodge and research our next excursion. I was going to take the shuttle to the hospital and walk from there but the public bus worked out better. After the salon I walked to the post office to check the mail. My rental box expires at the end of the month and I have already asked for mail to be forwarded to the Hope Lodge yet low and behold when I checked my box there were at least 5 pieces of mail in there. Transitions with mailing addresses can be tricky. I'm sure there will be a few lost bills in the mix.

When I returned to the Hope Lodge I made smoothies for Jimmy and me. It's a little embarrassing how loud the blender is when I am making shakes. I have my Vitamix up here and it is a good thing because that monster will grind up anything. To make smoothies with berries or greens I have to first cook the produce on the stove and then cool it and freeze it. This kills any organisms that could cause an infection for Jim. By the time I put the frozen items back in the blender they have formed into a solid brick which is really difficult to blend up. The Vitamix does it but it sounds like a jet plane taking off in the process.

In the afternoon we walked 30 minutes to the East River Ferry Terminal. The ferry service connects Manhattan with various destinations in Brooklyn, Queens and Governor's Island. Today was getting too late for an excursion but we probably will take the ferry to one of the destinations later in the week. For dinner AOL was hosting a spaghetti and salad night. Jim and I went down early to peek on the preparation and to see if the volunteers were wearing gloves. Jim was one of the first guest in line to make sure the food wasn't coughed or breathed on by lots of people. We are being overly cautious about germs because WE WANT TO COME HOME! We also sat at a table with only 2 other seats as opposed to the long six foot tables set up. Two women from our floor sat with us. We enjoy their company and are glad they were our dinner partners. Tonight the Nats are on so you know what Jim will be doing.


Sunday, June 12, 2016


The girls came for a visit this weekend. They rode up on the Vamoose bus Friday and went back today. We had such a great visit. Friday they were able to check into their hotel early. We put them up two blocks away and their room was impressive. It was a junior suite and had a kitchen and little sitting area. When they arrived we hurried them back to the Hope Lodge because a volunteer choir group from a local elementary school was performing. Unfortunately we only heard the last two songs but it was worth rushing back for. After the singing was over I packed some snacks and we took them back to their hotel room to visit. That night we went to a nice rooftop bar at Fairfield Marriott near Madison Square Garden. The bar sits on the 24th floor and overlooks a good part of lower Manhattan. It was not crowded and we were outside in the breezy air so it was safe for Jim to be there. Afterwards we went back to the Hope Lodge were I made dinner for us on the 6th floor and we played cards.


Saturday morning I met the girls for breakfast at Friedman's which is literally one block away from the Hope Lodge. Friedman's has many gluten free options. We were lucky to get a seat because soon afterwards the wait time was 45 minutes. After breakfast we visited Jim for a little then the girls and I walked to the Chelsea district, the High line and the Chelsea Market. We walked until our feet were sore and our backs were sweaty. Around 2:00 we headed back to the hotel where I left the girls and returned to the Hope Lodge. Our good friends, Laura and Mike, were in town for their anniversary and they stopped by the Lodge to visit. We sat on the patio and talked. It was great seeing them. For dinner the girls went by themselves to a sushi restaurant. They stopped by the Lodge and hung out with us before dinner.  Later in the evening I joined them at Ayza Wine & Chocolate Bar for what other than wine and chocolate. Jim had originally picked this place out for me when I went there with my friend Lloyd.

The weekend went fast which is contrary to our slow moving life here in New York. It was wonderful seeing the girls and hearing about what's going on in their lives. They went back on the 12:00 bus to Virginia. It's a five hour bus ride back and then Skye had to drive an additional two hours to Charlottesville. Thanks Girls!!!
