Monday, May 9, 2016

Waiting On a Answer

Unfortunately today we did not get any answers. Jimmy's temperature crept up to 99.9 but luckily stopped there. This is elevated for him but it has to get to 100.5 to be considered a fever. His vitals were good during the day today. The transplant team visited around 10:00. Although they are treating him with IV antibiotics they don't think his infection is bacterial. They think he may have what is called CMV (cytomegalovirus). An illness resembling infectious mononucleosis is the most common presentation of CMV in immunocompromised people. The virus lays dormant in the body and is reactivated because the immune system isn't strong enough to keep it at bay. Blood work was taken to test for the virus and we will find out the results tomorrow.

If you have ever had mono you know how tired you can be. Just imagine what it is like to have something like mono without an immune system to combat it. I left the room at noon to let Jim rest. I stopped by the post office to pick up the mail then took a long walk to Central Park. This is how I describe my walk:
Birds chirping
Sail boats in the water
Teens in midriffs
Lots of people speaking a foreign language
Lucky dogs who get to see grass
The elderly in wheelchairs with caretakers
Babies in strollers with nannies
Pretty flowers
Did I mention the pollen????

After I left the park I went to Chico's (a clothing store for middle-aged women). I was trying to find a few lightweight tops. Sometimes it can get very warm in the hospital room and in the Hope Lodge room. I need to wear lighter clothing. As I was walking to Chico's I passed many restaurants with their little tables assembled out front. People were enjoying their meals while the street in front of them was full of smelly, busy, honking vehicles not to mention the dogs passing by pooping on the sidewalk. I don't get it. No thank you.

Around dinner time the NP stopped back in to let us know the CMV test was not in yet. It's the little things like her stopping back by that we appreciate. Jimmy did some laps around the floor. 10 to be exact. 14 is a mile and we will shoot for that tomorrow. I took the last shuttle back to the Hope Lodge at 7:00 and heated up some leftover dinner which I ate by myself in the communal kitchen.

I want my husband back. Hopefully tomorrow we will have answers.

Last thing. Boo liked being out back in Jane and John's yard over the weekend. Jane told me he was very exhausted from stalking the bunny and skinks all day. Thanks for the picture Jane.

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