Thursday, May 5, 2016

Three Weeks to the Day

Today was a free day. Originally we planned to stay at the apartment and move into the Hope Lodge tomorrow but after breakfast we decided to move in this afternoon. It is suppose to rain all day tomorrow. Despite giving Laura and Jane two suitcases of things to bring back to Virginia I still had an incredible amount to pack. Around noon Jim and I took a walk to return something at Staples and to get a little exercise. He says he can feel soreness in his leg muscles but he is just beginning to walk up hills and around. We are going to try and walk a little each day, weather permitting. On our way back to the apartment we passed a hair salon with a dog in the window. He was so still I questioned if it was a stuffed animal and then he moved his head. We were right in front of the window but he wouldn't look at us. His gaze was fixated on something. He looked like a little lion the way his hair was cut.

When we finally were ready to vacate I got a rolling cart from the lobby and I also had my granny cart to put things in. We rolled everything outside and waited for a taxi to drive by in front of the apartment. It couldn't be just any taxi. We needed one of the bigger ones. After standing out there for 15 minutes or so one of the men that works in the basement of the apartment saw us and said we should move down to 1st Avenue. He graciously helped us roll our things down there. Again we waited and waited for a large enough taxi. 1st Avenue is a busy street and it was crowded out. Finally Eddie called an Uber for us and we paid the driver cash to take us to the Hope Lodge.

For dinner the staff of the Hope Lodge threw a Cinco de Mayo dinner for the residents. It was nice not to have to cook our first night there. We sat at a table with two nice couples. One couple is from Oregon and the other from New York. It was an early night. Tomorrow I will have to figure out where to put everything I unpack. Oh and I left my phone charger at the apartment...BUMMER. I will be lost without my phone until I get a new charger. Just saying.

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