Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sweltering Saturday

I was surprised to see Val and Larry in the kitchen this morning. She went against medical instructions and waited for her temperature to break on its own. They did not call the doctors because they knew they would be instructed to go to the Emergency Room and most likely spend the next few days in the hospital. If it were us we would have gone to the ER no matter how resistant Jim would be to the idea. Anything can happen especially within the first 100 days post transplant.

We spent the morning having breakfast in the kitchen then went to the library/quiet room with our coffee and computers. I had my yoga mat and did lots of stretches. I feel so much better on the days I stretch. It's time Jim does some with me. He did buy some dumbbells recently at Kmart and has been doing curls in the room. Neither one of us is used to being so sedentary.

In the early afternoon I walked across the street to JCPenney's and bough two bath towels. The Hope Lodge provides one towel each and they wash them once a week but I was able to snag a really good Memorial Day Sale on two Egyptian cotton towels. Then I went down the street to Jack's. Jack's is like an oversized Dollar Store. It has a little bit of everything but it is always jammed packed with people from all walks of life. It has a culturally diverse clientele. The registers are run by women, most wearing head scarves. They look like they really hate their job. The aisles are crowded as people leave their carts to explore what is behind the refrigerated doors. Michael Jackson's Rock With You song was playing loudly. Several unrelated people were singing and moving to the grove. The man walking in front of me had a Dell computer backpack on yet his pants were literally below his rear end. I don't see what woman would find that attractive and how can that be comfortable? I purchased what I needed and hurried back to the Hope Lodge. It was stifling out. Can it only be May? The air quality and humidity feels more like August.

When I got back to the Lodge I met up with Jimmy who was sitting outside on the 6th floor patio. Lots of residents were out on the patio or sitting around inside. We stayed outside for a bit but there was no breeze and the air was thick. It is a strange feeling to more or less have limited options on where to go on days like today. Walking around outside is unpleasant, especially for Jim because he has to wear a mask and gloves. We can't go to a play, the mall, a museum or restaurant until the doctors give the go ahead which will not be for awhile. We ended up back in the kitchen for a late lunch and I made more homemade cookie dough. Jim helped me chop the nuts and apricots.

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