Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday Started Early

We did it. We got our butts out of bed early, grabbed a bowl of cereal and headed out the door by 8:30. We walked the High Line trail. The weather was nice, low humidity and temperatures in the upper 70's. Another bonus is that it was early enough that it was not crowded. Jim was able to take his mask off. The flowers along the trail were in full bloom. There were several signs along the path warning visitors about the fake monks. Posters were even put up in the bathrooms. Of course it was too early for us to see any. They were probably sleeping in waiting for the High Line to be more crowded.

On our way back to the Hope Lodge we stopped at Whole Foods. Jim waited outside while I hurried in to buy a few things. We also passed a coffee shop with an ingenious sign out front. Jim, who still does not own a smartphone, could really relate.

It felt good to get out and stretch the old legs. It also makes the day go slower.  We had a late brunch when we returned to the Hope Lodge, homemade buckwheat pancakes with fresh blueberry compote. It is becoming one of our favorites to have when we are not rushing to catch the shuttle.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful flower pictures! I'm glad you all made it out to my favorite spot :)
