Saturday, July 23, 2016

Celebrating 100

Friday morning I got up early so I could walk to Whole Foods before the sweltering heat moved in. Sadly I counted 9 homeless people either curled up on some flattened cardboard along a building or already staking out their corner with plastic cup in hand. I thought to myself how long can someone live off the streets like this without succumbing to disease, starvation or danger? Luckily it was early enough and Whole Foods was not crowded. I perused the aisles looking for which groceries I should buy. I had a secret. Debby and Tom were coming up from Virginia to surprise Jimmy. After leaving Whole Foods I stopped by the fruit cart on the corner and bought four bananas for a dollar. On my way back to the Hope Lodge I gave a homeless man a banana and a Kind bar.

After Deb and Tom had lunch and settled into their hotel room I told Jim I was going next door to get some water bottles at Jack's. Instead I walked to Deb and Tom's hotel and brought them back to the 6th floor where we waited for Jimmy to join us. He eventually came downstairs and was very surprised. We visited on he 6th floor for awhile before going back to Debby and Tom's hotel. For dinner we walked to Pizza Suprema so Tom and Jimmy could get a pizza. Deb and I ordered takeout from the hotel restaurant.

Today was day 100. It has been 100 days since Jim's transplant. Unfortunately Jim wasn't feeling that great today. He has been trying to get rid of a sinus infection and today it seemed to be getting worse. I walked the High Line with Tom and Debby then took them to Chelsea Market. Jimmy decided to stay back and take it easy. It was best for him not to venture out in the heat. Around 4:00 we had happy hour at the hotel. Debby decorated the room with a Celebrate 100 theme to mark his special day. On Monday is Jimmy's birthday so she also had Happy Birthday 58 paraphernalia.

By the way Jim wants me to make known to the readers that the sleep walking man with Debby IS NOT JIMMY.

Tonight the four of us returned to the Hope Lodge and we cooked dinner on the 6th floor. It was a nice relaxing evening. Even though it was hot outside we did sit on the patio for a little. It was a nice distraction from our day to day activities here.


  1. Happy ONE HUNDRED Boss! What a great surprise for your BIG Day. I love that all the girls are having their pictures taken with 'The man in his underpants' ... you need to put them in one frame.

    Happy Sunday to all....both my bosses!

    Betsy....your most dedicated and loyal employee. Wait, am I a dog?

  2. You are great Betsy. I always love your upbeat comments. Happy Sunday!!

  3. I'm glad the surprise worked out so well! I hope dad is feeling better. I love the celebration pictures. Happy 101 days!

  4. So many things to celebrate!
