Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Back in the Saddle

Jimmy was back on the 7:30 shuttle this morning heading to the hospital for blood work and to meet with Shani, the nurse practitioner. He expected it to be a short visit so he encouraged me to sleep in so with a guilty nod I agreed. After his appointment he decided not to wait around an hour for the shuttle. Despite an air quality and heat advisory alert, Jimmy walked back to the Hope Lodge. Luckily he got back before the temperatures were at their peak.

The floor has turned over a little in the last week. There are new faces and people I have not met yet. Of course Larry and Val are still here. I spoke with them in the kitchen today after I got back from Whole Foods. I was trying to find some space in the freezer. It looks like Larry went on another large spending spree. He forgets how much food he already has yet he continues to buy more and more. He even said to me today how he bought a lot of meat at Fairwinds because they were having a sale. I wanted to tell him grocery stores always have sales on their meat, especially if they are nearing their expiration date. This time I kept my mouth shut and wiggled my frozen items into other spaces in the freezer. Larry has also taken up freezer room in the frig on the other side of the room that doesn't belong to our side of the hall.

Shirley left yesterday. She was the woman who occupied the room next to ours. The lady I blogged about early on. The one that seemed angry, depressed and very private. I was never able to crack her shell and draw her out. Maybe I didn't try hard enough. She wasn't receptive anyway. Shirley didn't even clean out her pantry. I threw her leftovers away today. Yes the Kitchen Nazi is back. It's me...the clean freak. The dishwasher emptier. The stove cleaner. Someone has to do it. Besides it gives me a job.

There was one thing I forgot to blog about yesterday. On our way back to New York we crossed the Delaware Memorial Bridge. As we were traveling on the bridge traffic began to slow and the two right lanes were blocked off. Right as we approached the mid-span of the bridge we saw a woman sitting on the other side of the bridge railing. There were several police officers that appeared to be trying to talk her down. When I got back to New York I went online and found out that they were successful in getting her to safety. Someone captured a picture of the woman and posted it on social media. It is sad to think that someone is in such despair that they perch themselves 200 feet up from the water and contemplate jumping in. I don't know her but I am so glad she changed her mind. Life is good lady. You will get through it. One day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I can't believe dad walked all that way in the heat!
    Also I'm glad you followed up on the bridge lady. I was wondering about that. So glad she is safe and sound. Xoxo
