Monday, January 25, 2016

Wide Open Spaces

Today Jim and I were determined to leave the Hope Lodge and make it to Central Park. We planned to take the 11:00 MSK shuttle to the Upper East Side. The Hope Lodge has a complimentary shuttle that runs back and forth to the hospital every hour and a half during the day. We had cereal for breakfast and made it downstairs with ten minutes to spare. As it turned out the shuttle was running an hour behind. We eventually decided to take the bus. First we had to walk to the entrance to the subway and purchase metro cards. I think we looked like newbies trying to decide how much money to put on the cards. We grabbed some coffee at Starbucks and went to the bus stop. I learned from my google maps app what bus to take and how often they run. Lucky for us the bus stop we needed was directly in front of the Hope Lodge. An hour later than planned we were headed to the Upper East Side.

Our first stop was the post office. The walk there was pretty good. The sidewalks were cleared well. The problem came when it was time to cross the streets. So much snow was piled against the curbs and there were large pools of melted snow that at times were difficult to walk around. We have mail. Today was the first day we received some of our forwarded mail. All of it was bills except for a nice card from Micky Plum who lives at the river. Our next stop was Corrado Bread and Pastry Shop. Jim loves their bread. It is a tiny bakery with more seating outside than in. Luckily we were able to snag a table inside. Jim ordered a smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwich on pumpernickel. I brought my lunch (GF crackers, nut cream cheese and smoked salmon). For dessert he treated himself to a piece of carrot cake and I had a Kind Bar.

I'm really glad Jimmy decided to travel today. Before we left this morning he was feeling tired. Getting out in the fresh air is so good for both of us. We can always catch a bus home now that we are pros.

Our next stop was Central Park. It was beautiful. The trees and hills were covered in snow. People were out taking pictures, walking dogs and some were out for jogs. We even saw small children sledding and one lady on skis.

The dogs of New York are so pampered. Many of them have winter coats which is really needed in the cold weather. We have also seen a lot wearing booties and some even hats and scarves.

This scene makes me think of the movie Love Story with Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal. The scene when he is ice skating and she is sitting on the bleachers watching him. It was filmed at the ice rink in Central Park. Below is an actual picture from the movie.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this woman walking through Central Park alone in high heels. Right as I was getting ready to take a picture she stopped and bent over. OOPS.
We came across a few snowmen. This particular one was Jim's favorite. She was very patient as he posed with her.

After the Park we made our way back to the Hope Lodge and warmed our feet up back in the room. For dinner I made a measly dinner of spaghetti. No lettuce, no salad, no good. We will have a big breakfast tomorrow.
It was a good day!


  1. Love, love, love all the pictures! The dog booties are hilarious!! How neat to be in NYC during the snow storm - I still can't imagine where they put all the snow. Glad the two of you are getting out and about. Next it will be the subway and a whole new world opens up for you!! Remember the US open and Renate taking us deep in the tunnels and we saw those rats and that crazy guy with the switch blade? We hauled ass up those stairs dragging poor Barb, trying to get away from the "bad guy" - those were the days....I sure do miss them. Can't wait to hear about your next adventures!

  2. I'm loving the blog! And I wish so badly to be back with you all strolling through Central Park. It was just 3 weeks ago but we are ready to come back. The snowpeople are awesome!
